Name of the Previous Institute -Ghatal R S Mahavidyalaya
From _16th July 2001-31th May 2017
Name of the Present Institute -Durgapur Women’s College – (Joining Date) 1st June 2017–
Area of Interest in Teaching
Public Administration
International Relation
Contemporary Social Issues
Area of Research
The Notion of Women’s Empowerment and its Societal Effects
Book Chapter Publication
Antorjatik Samporko (ISBN 978-93-80736-48-8) Evenel Press,Year of Publication-10th November ,2016, Chapter Name:-Antorjatik Rajniti te Rastriyo Karok o Aananya Karok er Bhumika,(Pages no-38-49)
Journal Publication
West Bengal Political Science Association(WBPSA),9th Annual Conference
Title of the paper:-Human Resource Development And The Role of the Panchayati
Raj(Published on 17th March ,2007 ,Pages No-123-124)
West Bengal Political Science Association(WBPSA), 10th Annual Conference, Title of the Paper: -Empowerment of Women: Some Aspect (published on 15th December 2007,)
SAMAJ-TATTVA, Vol 13, (Empowerment of Women )(Published on June 2007, Pages No-34-40)
Samaj Jijnasa(ISSN 2321-158X) Title of the paper:-Jater Socholota-Aadhunikikoron ernotun dik (Mobilization of Cast: A new theme of Modernization)(Published in 2014, Pages no-44-56)
Paschimbanga Itihas Samsad (Registration no-s/54767 of 1987-88)-Title of the paper_Paschimi nirankush korktirter kachhe Islam onnotomo challenge
Prajna (ISSN-2249-8729) Title of the paper:-Rabindranath er Rajnytik Bhabna o AjkerSamaj(Political Thought of Rabindra Nath Tagore and Today’s Society) (Published in April2015, Pages no-104-113)
Antorjatik Pathsala (ISSN 2230-9594)Title of the Paper:- Sushasan /Udogmuluk Prosason (Good Governance/participatory administration ) (Published in 2014, Pages no-306-310)
Athena (ISSN NO-2454-1605) Vol-2, Title of the Paper:-Changing attitudes of Citizen towards Good Governance through Participation: A brief discussion. (Published on July 2016, Pages no-141-149)
Conference/ Seminar Paper Presentation Data
Title of the Paper:-Gender Equality and Concept of Empowerment (P Title of the book:-Gender Budgeting :A Step Towards Justice (pages no-188-194) Publisher:-Das Gupta & Co .Pvt Ltd Date of Publication :-January 2012
Title of the Paper:-Right to Life :Some Steps Towards It. Title of the book:-Globalization & Human Rights(Pages no-96-103) Publisher:-Cyber Graphics Date of Publication:-January ,2014 (ISBN NO-978-81-925349-0-9)
Title of the Paper:-Modernization and its impact on Women Title of the book:- Theory and Practice of Human Rights: The Indian Context (pages No-366-378) Publisher:- Rabindra Press Date of Publication;-2015 (ISBN-978-93-81669-80-8
Title of the Paper:- Environmental and Economic Rights:-A Dilemma between these two Title of the book:-Development & Politics in India (pages No-54-66) Publisher:-Rays Dot Com Date of Publication:-July 2015(ISBN;978-93-82094-34-0)
Title of the Paper:-Empowerment of Women through PRI: A Quest for Equality Title of the book:-Financial Inclusion in the pursuit of Poverty Reduction and Growth (pages No-325-334 Publisher-Perfect Solution Date of Publication:-November,2016(ISBN: 978-93-5258-525-0)
Title of the Paper:-Women Participation in Decision Making process-an overview Title of the Book:-Women ,Politics and Development in India (pages no-231-242) Publisher:-Jayashree Press Date of Publication:- June,2017 (ISBN:978-93-81245-92-7)
Details of Major/Minor Research Project(s) undertaken
(UGC)University Grants Commission ,Minor Research Project,(UnderXII Five Year Plan 2012-2017) Title of the Project:-Empowerment of Women and its Impact through Panchayati Raj Institution: A case study of Kolaghat Area of West Bengal(Between “2000-2011),Fundt Allocated(02-Feb-15)-Rupees260000,Year of Submission ;2017